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Ballyland Trylleshow - New!

Ingen VoiceOver-ferdigheter kreves
Vanskelighetsgrad: Moderat
Bevegelser: Dra med en finger, splitt-trykk, dobbelt trykk, enkelt sveip mot høyre/venstre med en finger, tre-fingers sveip til høyre/venstre

Ballyland Trylleshow is the Norwegian version of the popular English language 'Ballyland Magic Plus' app.
Ballyland Trylleshow er den norske versjonen av den populære engelskspråklige Ballyland Magic Plus-appen. Ballyland Trylleshow-appen er et pedagogisk iPad-spill designet for å at barn som er blinde eller har nedsatt syn skal få mulighet til å lære og øve på grunnleggende fingerbevegelsene i VoiceOver. Det er ikke nødvendig at barnet har tidligere erfaringer med iPad. Appen har som mål å gi barna en god start på selvstendig bruk av en iPad. Ferdighetene bygges gradvis opp, og innstillingene kan tilpasses barnets læringsbehov. Les mer om Ballyland Trylleshow-appen.
CosmoBally™ on Sonoplanet™
No VoiceOver skills required
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate
Gestures: visit

Cutting edge: CosmoBally on Sonoplanet, Sonokids' second 'space' themed app with four educational sonification games. Lift off to Sonoplanet, where ‘sonification’ has turned all information and data, including images, into sound! This app is action packed, with four audio games offering the opportunity to actively develop an understanding of sonification. Discover what this planet is about: open your ears and listen... Visit the Sonoplanet website for all information
Ballyland™ CosmoBally™ in Space.

No VoiceOver skills required
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate
Gestures: Touch, flick left, finger drag, ‘touch and hold’.
Ballyland CosmoBally in Space is a fun iPad app game with easy iPad interaction that offers an introduction to the solar system, through the accounts of CosmoBally, the first Ballylander to fly in space. Responding to touch with audio feedback, the story is presented both visually as well as through real human voices, audio effects, and songs. Bonus game and song about the order of the planets to the Sun. Read more...
Ballyland Mágico (Spanish)

No se requieren habilidades de VoiceOver
Dificultad: Moderada
Gestos: Arrastrar con el dedo, tocar dos veces, deslizar con un solo dedo hacia la izquierda/derecha, deslizar con tres dedos hacia la izquierda/derecha.

Ballyland Mágico is the Spanish version of the popular English language 'Ballyland Magic Plus' app.
Mientras juegan e interactúan con los Ballylanders, los niños aprenden conceptos de accesibilidad y gestos fundamentales de los dedos para VoiceOver, el lector de pantalla incorporado en dispositivos Apple. Estas habilidades permiten a los niños ciegos o con baja visión usar un iPad u otro dispositivo móvil con pantalla táctil iOS. Lea más sobre Ballyland Mágico...
Die Ballyland Zaubershow

Keine Voiceover-Kenntnisse erforderlich
Mäßiger Schwierigkeitsgrad
Gesten: Ziehen mit dem Finger, geteiltes Tippen, Doppeltippen, streichen mit einem Finger nach rechts/ links, und streichen mit drei Fingern nach rechts/ links.
Die Ballyland Zaubershow is the German version of the popular English language 'Ballyland Magic Plus' app.
Die Ballyland Zaubershow, jetzt zum ersten Mal in deutscher Sprache verfügbar, ist ein Lernspiel in dem Konzepte und grundlegende Berührungsgesten für VoiceOver, dem Bildschirmleseprogramm von Apple, vermittelt werden. Das spaßige Spiel bereitet einen blinden oder sehbehinderten Lernenden darauf vor ein iPad oder iPhone mit VoiceOver zu benutzen. Lesen Sie mehr über Die Ballyland Zaubershow.
VO Lab

No VoiceOver skills required
Difficulty: Moderate
Gestures: Finger drag, double tap, single finger flick left/right, three finger flick left/right.
VO Lab is an alternative version of Ballyland Magic. VO Lab is an educational game specifically designed for adolescents and older students to gain foundation skills to use the iPad or iPhone independently, by way of VoiceOver, Apple’s built-in screen reader on iOS Devices. VO Lab provides an engaging, risk-free, hands-on learning environment. Students can feel confident in actively and independently exploring the outcomes of touch gestures: a great motivation for learning new skills.
Read more about VO Lab.
Ballyland Code 3: Pick Up

Some VoiceOver skills required
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate
Gestures: Finger drag, flick left/right with one finger, flick down/up with one finger, double tap, flick left with three fingers.
Ballyland Code 3: Pick Up completes the three 'Easy to Moderate' Ballyland apps introducing coding. The app builds on the skills from the previous two Ballyland Code apps. Specifically designed to support children who are blind or have low vision and are novice users of VoiceOver. In Coding Challenge 3, you need to move Wheelie around the digital game grid so that he takes the shortest route to pick up the flower, the coin and the frog. Why? Find out in the fun audio play! Read more about Ballyland Code 3: Pick Up here.
Ballyland Code 2: Give Rotor

Some VoiceOver skills required
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate
Gestures: Finger drag, flick left/right with one finger, flick down/up with one finger, double tap, flick left with three fingers.
Ballyland Code 2: Give Rotor – continues your journey to learn how to code on an iPad. Specifically designed to support children who are blind or have low vision and are novice users of VoiceOver. Ballicopter has broken his rotor. In the new, three level Coding Challenge, you need to move Wheelie around the digital game grid so that he reaches Ballicopter and can give him a new rotor. This is the second in a series of Ballyland Code apps. Read more about Ballyland Code 2: Give Rotor.
Ballyland Code 1: Say Hello

Some VoiceOver skills required
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate
Gestures: Finger drag, flick left/right with one finger, flick down/up with one finger, double tap, flick left with three fingers, 'touch and hold'.
Ballyland Code 1: Say Hello – is the perfect first step to learning basic programming on an iPad. Specifically designed to support children who are blind or have low vision and are novice users of VoiceOver. ‘Play with Coding’ is a playful introduction to the basic concept of coding. This is followed by a three level Coding Challenge to code movement in a digital game grid: Make Wheelie go to Tinkleball and say Hello. This is the first in a series of Ballyland Code apps. Read more about Ballyland Code 1: Say Hello
Ballyland Stay Still, Squeaky!
No VoiceOver skills required
Difficulty: Beginner, Very easy to Moderate
Gestures: Touch, swipe, finger drag, ‘touch and hold’.
Ballyland Stay Still, Squeaky! – is a great, safe introduction to iPad interaction for young children with vision impairment and their sighted friends and siblings. A Story that responds to touch with audio feedback, plus a Game that helps to develop finger drag skills and build spatial awareness on the screen. Read more about Ballyland Stay Still, Squeaky!
Ballyland Sound Memory
Some VoiceOver skills required
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate
Gestures: Finger drag, single finger double tap, single finger flick left/right, single finger flick up/down.
Ballyland Sound Memory is a fun, sound-matching game. While busy navigating the game to locate, memorize and match the Ballyland sounds, children will get a basic understanding of how to navigate a digital grid. Redesigned from the ground up. (2024). Read more about Ballyland Sound Memory
Ballyland Magic Plus
No VoiceOver skills required
Difficulty: Moderate
Gestures: Finger drag, split tap, double tap, single finger flick left/right, three finger flick left/right.
Ballyland Magic Plus – While they play the game and interact with the Ballylanders, the children learn accessibility concepts and fundamental finger gestures for VoiceOver, Apple’s built-in screen reader. These skills enable children who are blind or have low vision to use an iPad or other iOS mobile touch screen device. This is a completely re-engineered version of the immensely popular Ballyland Magic app, with more learning and more features. Read more about Ballyland Magic Plus.
Ballyland Rotor
Some VoiceOver skills required
Difficulty: Moderate
Gestures: VoiceOver 'Rotor' gesture, single finger flick up and down, three finger flick left
Ballyland Rotor is the sequel to Ballyland Magic. It’s a fun, educational iPad game that helps children who are blind or visually impaired to learn and practice the gestures for the ‘Rotor’, an important, slightly advanced concept in VoiceOver, Apple’s built-in screen reader for iOS Devices. Ballicopter, the little red helicopter, embarks on an amazing flight through Ballyland, and the Rotor gesture is used to change the unfolding of his engaging adventure. Read more about Ballyland Rotor
Learn more about the use of Ballyland apps in the paper presented by Phia Damsma at the 2017 VISCON Conference, September 2017, Renwick Centre, Sydney, Australia:
Supporting children and young adults who are blind or have low vision in learning the gestures and concepts of VoiceOver on an Apple iOS touch device
Ballyland Geluiden Memory
Some VoiceOver skills required
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate
Gestures: Finger drag, flick left/right with one finger, flick down/up with one finger, double tap, flick left with three fingers.
Ballyland Geluiden Memory is the Dutch language version of the popular Ballyland Sound Memory. Ballyland Geluiden Memory is leuk voor iedereen, en geheel toegankelijk voor kinderen met een visuele beperking. Het is een Memory spel, waarbij je telkens twee dezelfde geluiden bij elkaar moet zoeken. Redesigned from the ground up (2024). Lees meer over Ballyland Geluiden Memory.