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Ballyland Sound Memory’s ‘Black Curtain’ Challenge

The ‘Black Curtain’ Challenge…

  • A really fun iPad game to be enjoyed by all, regardless of a visual impairment
  • Test your listening skills and your auditory memory
  1. Get Ballyland Sound Memory from the AppStore
  2. In Settings, select Flick Mode, 6 cards, and your favorite sound set, and turn on Black Curtain. Choose Back to Settings, then Okay, to return to the main menu. Select “Play” to start the game.
  3. Gameplay: Do a one finger flick right/left or up/down to move around the game grid, and use the spoken information to remember your position on the screen. Double tap anywhere on the active screen to hear the sound of the card that you have flicked to, and try to flick to its matching twin. Remember: Flick changes the focus; If you don’t flick anywhere, a double tap will keep giving the same sound.
  4. Remember your score. Then double tap the hotspot in the bottom right corner of the screen to return to the Main Menu. Then it’s the next player’s turn.

Will you be the champion?!!